What does it mean to be a Scout in Campy?

Being a Scout in Campy means you're a key member of our community with access to unique features in the app. Campy members that frequently add new locations and reach 'Oak' status for their contributions, become Campy Scouts. These are a special few and make up about 1% of Campy members.

Campy Scouts are essential for ensuring that the campsites and motorhome sites listed on Campy are as up-to-date and accurate as possible. πŸ’―πŸ‘Œ

πŸ” What do Campy Scouts do?

As a Scout, you can conduct detailed inspections of campsites. An inspection consists of in-depth questions about the campsite you're visiting.

Once your inspection is approved, a banner will be displayed at that location, proudly stating: β€œThis location is inspected by (your username)."

Your efforts help fellow campers. You are providing our entire community with precise and valuable information to select the best camp spot. This makes you a well respected and essential part of the Campy community. πŸ™

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