Review guidelines

Reviews in Campy

Campy aims to maintain the authenticity and accuracy of reviews. Therefore, we do not edit the content of reviews themselves. Any alterations must be initiated and completed by the original reviewer within the constraints of Campy’s policies. Reviewers can request to remove and repost their reviews if necessary, and reviews found to be violating policies can be deleted by Campy.

Deleting reviews

Normally we do not delete or edit a review submitted by a campy user

Criteria for deleting

  1. Spam: Promotional content, advertisements, or irrelevant links.
  2. Hate Speech: Content that promotes hate based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or other protected characteristics.
  3. Inappropriate Content: Reviews containing explicit, violent, or adult content.
  4. Irrelevance: Reviews that are not related to the camping location or experience.
  5. Fake Reviews: Reviews suspected to be fraudulent or fake, including those left by bots or users with a history of spam.
  6. Significant factual inaccuracies: if research determines that the review contains significant factual inaccuracies that violate our content policy, we may remove the review entirely.
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